Author: mark

autistic child putting on adaptive shoes

Adaptive Shoes for Children With Autism

Have you noticed that your child with autism is having a hard time keeping their shoes on? In this article we are going to give you some tips to help keep your child’s shoes on their feet. Additionally, we are going to list some of the best adaptive shoes for children with autism. But first,…
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ABA therapist using prompts with a student

Using Prompts in ABA Therapy

Welcome to our ABA therapy technique series where we explore the different techniques used by ABA therapists. In this article we will learn about prompts. What are Prompts? A prompt is a verbal or physical cue that a therapist uses to encourage a child to engage in a desired behavior or response. In this article…
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child with autism getting dressed

Clothing For Children With Autism

If you have a child with autism you probably understand the issues they can have with their clothing.  Children with autism can often experience sensory overload when it comes to clothing. They may be sensitive to the tags, textures, or the way the clothing fits.  Thankfully, there are a lot of companies that create clothing…
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money pictures

Autism Grants

Having a child with autism requires a lot of dedication and resources. Unfortunately, the costs are substantial and can be more than your family can afford.  Thankfully, there are a lot of organizations that offer autism grants for families in need. Below we have listed some organizations that can help you with the financial costs…
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oxygen tanks

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and Autism

If you are checking out this article you probably heard that hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) can help your child with autism. But how does HBOT work and can it really help children with autism? Let’s explore this topic in greater detail. What is hyperbaric oxygen therapy Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a medical treatment that increases…
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Capital building

Autism Cares Act

So you want to know more about the Autism CARES Act. Well you came to the right place. We’ll go over the basics of the law below. What is the Autism CARES Act? The Autism Collaboration, Accountability, Research, Education and Support (CARES) Act is a federal law that was passed in 2014 and reauthorized in…
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child holding picture

Joint Attention in Children with Autism

Have you noticed that your child with autism has a hard time following your finger when you are pointing at something? It is actually quite common. Children with autism often have trouble with joint attention.  In this article we will explain what joint attention is and how ABA therapy can help your child with theirs. …
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parents with ABA therapist

When to Stop ABA Therapy

Are you thinking about stopping your child’s ABA therapy sessions? Before you do that, check out this article where we will discuss: Let’s begin. Signs that ABA is not working  It is important to remember that ABA therapy is not a quick fix. You should expect your child to be in therapy for a couple…
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Cute little boy drawing on the chalkboard

Task Analysis in ABA Therapy

Welcome to our ABA therapy technique series where we explore the different techniques used by ABA therapists. In this article we will learn about Task Analysis.  Task analysis is an ABA technique where a therapist breaks complex tasks into easily manageable units. In this article we are going to examine what task analysis is, how…
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autistic child playing with a toy

Generalization in ABA Therapy

Welcome to our ABA therapy technique series where we explore the different techniques used by ABA therapists. In this article we will learn about Generalization.  Generalization is the ability to use newly learned skills outside of a clinical setting and with people other than the therapist.  In this article, we’ll explore the different types of…
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